Data Management
Regulatory Data is a global asset and a license to sell.
Examples are:
The EU-Waste Framework Directive requires companies that produce, import, or supply articles in the Union containing SVHC to submit information to the SCIP database as of 5 January 2021.
Authoring of compliant labels and safety datasheets requires compositional data about the supply chain's substances and formulations.
Registrations and notifications are mandatory, and considerable fines can result from incompliance.
It is estimated that every gap in a substance Master Data set generates an average downstream operational cost (rejected purchase orders, delays in custom formalities, customer inquiries, incomplete SDS etc.) of at least $ 200,- to $500,- per year excluding those incidents with accumulated six-digit cost. Multiplied with the number of active substances managed in your company, the incentive to act is apparent.
Our experts can assist your company in:
Managing supply chain inquiries, data collection, verification, sanitizing, and updating regulatory data sets.
Provide Regulatory Content on Demand. All regulatory data are vetted, and we guarantee its correctness with initially disseminated datasets.
Clarify data issues with regulatory authorities around the globe.
Offering and managing outsourcing solutions for transactional tasks.
Advice on the construction of regulatory data architectures.
Our work ensures the reduction of operational risk due to non-compliance and keeps businesses doing what makes them successful: making - selling - growing.